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Quality Management/Control Book Section:

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Joseph M. Juran Joseph M. Juran
ISBN 0-07-033183-9   McGraw-Hill

This book covers the impact of quality on all organizational activities. It provides discussions of quality assessment, key quality processes, and the quality activities in 11 functional areas of an organization.

Order No. GE-1003

Stephen K. Thompson
368 pp., 1992
ISBN 0-471-54045-5   Wiley

Finally-a book that covers basic and standard sampling design and estimation methods, as well as methods for populations that are inherently difficult to sample or hard to detect. Partial coverage includes: - Basic Sampling from Simple Random Sampling to Unequal Probability Sampling - The Use of Auxiliary Data with Ratio and Regression Estimation - Useful Designs Including Stratified, Cluster and Systematic Sampling, Multi-stage Design, Double, and Network Sampling - Detectability Methods for Elusive Populations - Spatial Prediction or "Kriging" Methods and Efficient Spatial Designs - Adaptive Sampling Designs, Adaptive Cluster Sampling, Systematic and Strip Adaptive Cluster Sampling, and Stratified Adaptive Cluster Sampling.

Order No. ES-1031


ISBN 0-8247-9335-8   Marcel Dekker

Contents-Introduction. Probability. Distributions. Descriptive Statistics. Expected Values and Moments. Statistical Inference: Estimation. Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing. Analysis of Variance. Regression Analysis. Orthogonal Polynomials in Polynomial Regression. Experimental Design. Appendix A: Matrix Algebra. Appendix B: Introduction to SAS. Appendix C: Tables of Statistical Functions. Appendix D: Answers to Selected Problems.

Order No. ST-0606

Irving W. Burr
552 pp., illustrated, 1976
ISBN 0-8247-6344-0   Marcel Dekker

Contents-Why Statistics? Characteristics of Data and How to Describe Them. Simple Probability. Three Basic Laws for Attribute Data. Control Charts in General. Control Charts for Attributes: Process Control. Control Charts for Measurements: Process Control. Further Topics in Control Charts and Applications. Acceptance Sampling for Attributes. Some Standard Sampling Plans for Attributes. Sampling by Variables. Tolerances for Mating Parts and Assemblies. Studying Relationships Between Variables by Linear Correlation and Regression. A Few Reliability Concepts.

Order No. ST-0609

William S. Messina
331 pp., 1987
ISBN 0-471-85774-2   Wiley

Provides the methods and tools for the manufacturing manager to improve quality, increase productivity, and enhance the competitive position of the manufacturing line. Proposes potentially controversial methods of performance appraisals, operation certification, line qualification, vendor certification, and just-in-time manufacturing. The organization of this book takes the reader logically from the basics of statistics through the fundamentals of statistical quality control, to the manufacturing applications and accompanying manufacturing strategies of statistical quality control (SQC). This book is the first written specifically for manufacturing management. Examples throughout the book demonstrate how the manufacturing manager can successfully implement SQC in the manufacturing process. Real-life manufacturing situations described illustrate situations managers are likely to find in their own line.

Order No. MS-0901

William Q. Meeker and Luis A. Escobar 1998
ISBN 0-471-14328-6 Wiley

Data collection, data analysis, and data interpretation methods are important tools for those who are responsible for product reliability and product design decisions. This book describes and illustrates the use of proven traditional techniques for reliability data analysis and test planning, enhanced and brought up to date with modern computer-based graphical, analytical, and simulation-based methods.

Order No. GE-2143

B. Kantner
288 pp., 1995
ISBN 0-471-13203-9   Wiley

Easy to understand answers to 100 most commonly asked questions regarding ISO 9000. Contains the most up-to date insights and explanations of the entire ISO registration process. Covers all of the immediate facts with practical action steps and advice with topics including understanding the basics of ISO 9000, the quality system standards, components and recommendations.

Order No. GE-2034

THE ISO 9000-3 A Tool for Software Product and Process Improvement
Kehoe and Jarvis
229 pp., 1995
ISBN 0-387-94568-7   Springer-Verlag

This book presents a simple, concise approach to implement the practices and procedures needed to meet the ISO 9000-3 standard for software quality assurance.

Order No. GE-2035

THE LABORATORY QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM A Manual of Quality Procedures and Forms - Second Edition
Thomas A. Ratliff, Jr.
250 pp., 1996
ISBN 0-442-02511-4   Van Nostrand

Following in the wake of the acclaimed original, this version is an indispensable step-by-step guide to the establishment or improvement of quality control systems for laboratories of all kinds.

Order No. GE-2043

Robert J. Craig
200 pp., 1994
ISBN 0-7918-0032-6   ASME

This handy implementation guide offers a proven, step-by-step approach to the ISO 9000 registration process. The book lays out a cost-effective plan for developing a quality system that fully conforms with the appropriate ISO 9000 standards. Packed with practical tips for cutting preparation and development time, it shows how to manage the activities required at each stage of the process.

Order No. GE-1903

THE QS 9000 DOCUMENTATION TOOLKIT 1994 Revised ISO 9001 Standard - Second Edition
Janet Novack
368 pp., 1995
ISBN 0-13-199373-9   Prentice Hall

A practical tool-kit designed to evoke discussion at planning meetings, to be annotated and written in, and to be employed in the writing of procedures. The disk contains templates in Microsoft Word for the PC and MAC and in WordPerfect for DOS. The worksheets interpret the standard by specifying real-life strategies for determining what needs to be done in terms of who's responsible for an activity, the record keeping, and the follow up activities.

Order No. GE-2040

THE QUALITY AUDIT A Management Evaluation Tool
C.A. Mills
336 pp., 1984
ISBN 0-07-042428-4   McGraw-Hill

The quality audit, from initial request through planning, implementation, evaluation, reporting and follow-up is thoroughly presented in this step-by-step guide. The author explores each stage of the audit process from the point of view of the auditor and the client requesting the audit-with an in-depth focus on the special interests and needs of the organization being audited. Manager or engineers of quality control and quality assurance, auditors, and those in need of an auditor will find a straightforward comparison of the major national and international Quality System Standards, as well as a "hands on" explanation of both internal and external audit objectives. Administrative and technological aspects of the audit process are analyzed, and various types of working papers, documentation, and sampling plans are reviewed. It thoroughly covers the collection and analysis of audit data, the creation of reports, taking corrective action, and utilizing techniques for improving the a udit process itself.

Order No. MS-0921

THE QUALITY MANUAL The Application of BS 5750 ISO 9001 EN 29001
T. Hall T. Hall

Provides a complete guide for companies contemplating registration to BS 5750 or its international equivalents ISO 9001 and EN 29001. Partial Contents: QA, Quality Improvements, Registration, Quality Circles, TickIT (ISO 9000-3) - Issue Control Matrix - Management - Quality System - Contract Review - Design Control - Documentation - Purchaser-supplied Product - Product ID and Traceability - Process Control - Measuring and Test Equipment - Inspection and Test Status - áNonconforming Product - Corrective Action - Handling, Storage, Packaging and Delivery - Internal Quality Audits - Training - Servicing - Statistical Techniques - Set of Standard Forms - Sample Procedures, Work Instructions, Job Descriptions.

Order No. GE-0622

Sarv Singh Soin
312 pp.
ISBN 0-07-059548-8   McGraw-Hill

This book offers you a complete introduction to TQC, including practical step-by-step instructions for starting and managing a TQC effort. Even if you already have a TQC program in place, you'll find strategies and tactics for diagnosing current capabilities and improving them.

Order No. GE-1006

TOTAL QUALITY CONTROL - Third Edition, Revised (40th Anniversary Edition)
A.V. Feigenbaum
863 pp., 281 illustrations, 1991
ISBN 0-07-020354-7   McGraw-Hill

Total quality control is a system for integrating the quality development, maintenance, and improvement efforts of the various groups in an organization so as to produce marketing, engineering, production, and service at the most economical levels for full customer satisfaction. The first edition of this book was published in 1951 and this is the 40th third edition complete with a new 16 page addition on: The Total Quality Imperative, 12 Benchmarks for Quality Control in the 90's and 4 management principles for total quality.

Order No. GE-0141

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